Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Week 9 Inquiry - Data Generated vs. Editor Reviews

Comparing the difference editor and data generated reviews is like comparing chalk and cheese, both vary in purpose and style. The Trip Advisor webpage is a collation of various comments and recommendations from travellers who have reviewed the specified hotels, each review is one or two sentences summarising the hotel or the customers experience. Whereas the CN Traveller website is written from editors, the photos of the hotels are professional, the review includes in depth information about the hotel, city, activities and other key points relevant to the reader.

Although both websites are similar in that they are reviewing hotels, this is where the similarities end. The trip advisor article is somewhat unprofessional with two simple quotes and a couple of photos of the discussed hotel, the viewer is then able to visit another webpage which holds more reviews from people who have been to the hotel. There is room for false information in a website based on reviews from customers, although some have the ability to be honest, some reviews are incorrect.     

The CN Traveller website holds a better first impression, the layout is a lot more professional and appealing. The reviews on this website are well written and paint a picture in the readers mind about the hotel and what to expect. The reader will be more inclined to take the comments from the CN Traveller website on board and make an informed decision about their travel destination and hotel based on this review. The website is aimed at convincing travellers to visit these destinations and they absolutely achieved this goal by the high quality writing, pictures and selection of hotels.


Allason, J., BB, A., Browne, P., Burshtein, K., Jana Chan, M., Peters, E., Finer, D., Goodman, L., Holmes, L., Johnson, L., Marshall, L., Maxwell, K., Sinclair, C. and Wrathall, C. (2015). Gold Standard Hotels 2015. [online] Conde Nast Traveller. Available at: http://www.cntraveller.com/awards/the-goldlist/gold-standard-hotels-2015/viewall [Accessed 16 Sep. 2015].

Tripadvisor.com.au, (2015). Best Hotels of 2015 – TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Awards. [online] Available at: http://www.tripadvisor.com.au/TravelersChoice-Hotels-g1 [Accessed 16 Sep. 2015].

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