Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Course Quizzes

I have just finished my last quiz for course and have to say that they have taught me a lot! I did quite well at grammar and punctuation at school, therefore it was a bit of a shock that there were still things I had to learn about the way I write. It has taken me a couple of attempts at the quizzes to get 100%, I usually get around 7/10 on my first attempt. I then go back and read through the relevant chapter again and attempt the quiz again. 

The quizzes not only taught me pointers on English for journalists, it made me really consider the question and potential answers. I thoroughly enjoyed learning through the quizzes in this course. I have found Hick's English for Journalists really helpful and summarises the 'rules' of journalist writing perfectly.

COMM11007 is my first course surrounding journalism so I had a lot to learn and I have loved every week of the course. The assignments, course work, blog and quizzes have taught me so much and have applied to real life situations which is the best way I can learn. 

1 comment:

  1. Great layout for the quizzes. It's great how you have given a thorough and detailed experience for you quizzes!
