Saturday, 15 August 2015

Week 5 Practical - Brock Weier explains that his daughter keeps him grounded

Brock Weier explains that his daughter keeps him grounded

Brock Weier, 23 explained yesterday that his greatest passion is setting a good example for his three year old daughter, Isla. 

Brock said that since his daughter was born, his greatest passion in life has been setting a good example for her and shaping the person she will grow up to be.

"Isla is one of the most important things in my life, she keeps me grounded and is the light of my life," Brock said. 

"Every time Isla uses her manners or puts her rubbish in the bin, I give myself a pat on the back and tell myself that I am doing a good job," he said.

Brock has adjusted his life to make himself a family man and set the best example for his daughter.

"As soon as Isla was born, I felt like the world tilted and I became a different, better person," Brock said.

"Everything I do, every decision I make, I have Isla on the forefront of my mind. I wouldn't have it any other way," he said.


  1. Hi Monique,
    I enjoyed reading your post. You made a good interview and it is very interesting. When i finished reading your post, i found that i may have made a mistake on own blog. I think that i need to modify my post according to your writing. Thank you.

  2. Hi Monique,

    I have enjoyed reading through some of your posts. I like your blog layout, it is easy to read and follow.

    I just thought I'd ask if you intended to repeat the information - Brock Weier explains that his daughter keeps him grounded? I noticed that this sentiment is in the title, the subheading (?) and the lead paragraph.
