The broadcast from Seven News goes for a minute and a half and starts off a snippet of Kate Deraugo's song, saying that Deraugo is 'an Aussie idol with a big voice' however they go on to explain that Deraugo was deadly silent today in a court hearing where she pleaded guilty to taking illegal substances before getting behind the wheel. The lead sentence captures the audience, for a celebrity that isn't all that well known, the song links Deraugo's song for viewers to recognise.
The Seven News broadcast shows a copy of the legal paperwork and goes into detail about what was said in the court hearing, such particulars as the drug that was consumed and how much Deraugo was fined. Before moving on, the reporter mentions that the judge couldn't see how Deraugo was dealing with her drug problem, so a conviction was recorded.
The article then takes a turn and focuses on the New South Wales Police and their efforts in random drug and alcohol testing, the Assistant Police Commissioner comments on the problem that ice is creating in our society. The reporter concludes the article by suggesting that the high profile court case may deter other drivers from driving while under the influence. A quality in reporting was shown in this broadcast, instead of focusing on Deraugo and her issue, the reporter highlights the problem by including statistics on drug issues in New South Wales as a whole.
The article from Sydney Morning Herald successfully wraps up the focus of the article within the lead paragraph. As the article progresses, the reporter focuses solely on DeAraugo, summarising her recent drug habits and battle with depression. Unlike the Seven News article, the Sydney Morning Herald reporter quickly discusses DeAraugo losing her license, however then delves deeper into her personal issues. No references are made to drug issues within Australia, the article is solely addressing the issue from a celebrity interest view.
The article in the Courier Mail's lead paragraph reveals details about the drug consumption of DeAurgo. The lead paragraph also provides a quick summary of what the article is going to contain. The Courier Mail article takes on much of the same opinion that the Sydney Morning Herald article did. The articles from The Courier Mail and Sydney Morning Herald are very similar, neither bring new information or tackle the issues differently. The Seven News Article is a stand out, although it discussed DeAraugo and her issue with drugs, it did not focus on the negatively or 'gossip', the article was well spoken and is the best out of the three examined.
This issue was of interest to me as I am a sucker for celebrity gossip, however I admire when a reporter can move your focus from the issue at hand, to the bigger issue. I found this exercise excellent in looking at how one story can be construed in so many different ways. So far, I am thoroughly enjoying the course, the quizzes are excellent. I am remembering all of the grammar rules that I haven't remembered since I was in school. I am excited for the assignment and learning more about Media Writing.
Australian Idol winner Kate DeAraugo pleaded guilty to driving while high on drugs (2015). [TV programme] Seven News.
Dale, A. (2015). Australian High-Dol. The Courier Mail, p.17.
Meehan, M. (2015). Australian Idol Kate DeArugo loses license for 6 months. The Sydney Morning Herald. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Aug. 2015].
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